Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Always question levels of quality — and never look back

As chief executive of Cubic Telecom, Barry Napier recently led his team to one of the biggest tech deals in Irish history in a landmark £393 million partnership with SoftBank Corp. From running a party bus in Dublin to partnering with Tesla, here are Barry’s key leadership insights.
1. Don’t be afraid to call out crap: Always question quality. It was a complaint to a mobile phone distributor that landed me my first job in telecoms, which put me on a path to a lucrative career in the tech industry. I have a BS bell on my desk.
2. Create value, not money: Focus on solving a problem that actually matters and where you can add real value. Money is a by-product.
3. Learn from bad experiences and move on: They say that out of tragedy, something good comes. As leaders, we’re hardwired to not look back. We have to take our experiences — especially the bad — learn from them and drive forward.
4. Don’t force something: I always say, “Water finds its own level”. Find people that share your values and interests. The universe will always correct itself.
5. Take time out: Running a business requires you to go all in. I find time in the morning that’s just for me. I’m up at 5am and I jump in the sea at 6am, which really sets me up for the day.
6. No is not an option: You don’t have to be controversial. You don’t have to be argumentative. You just have to figure out the best solution for the business that you’re in. There’s always a solution.
